Equity Conversation Series

Cultivating Black and Latinx Communities through Product Inclusion


The Upside of Diversity and Inclusion: Product Inclusion

One surprising way diversity and inclusion can pay dividends is in product development.  “Product inclusion” describes the practice of developing and refining products to fit the needs of a diverse customer base.  This succeeds by applying an inclusive lens throughout the entire product design and development process to create better products and accelerate business growth. 

Product inclusion succeeds when the workforce is diverse and the work environment is inclusive.  Product inclusion is directly related to the culture of a company.  A company with an inclusion mindset is humble: “I don’t know everything”, so let’s be open.”

Ethical AI has opened the door for conversations that were not happening. The hiring process is another good example too, let’s look at our hiring practices, our HR product, and see if we need to revisit it to be inclusive.  Wallbreakers is an example of that and there are many others.

Product inclusion can improve a company’s bottom line by reaching more customers.  It can also reduce risk by recognizing when a product is not being used by certain customers in the way it was designed. 

Join us for our inaugural “Equity Conversations”: Cultivating Black and Latinx Communities through Product Inclusion

  • The business case

  • How to present it to leadership?

  • How to get buy-in, alignment, and proper metrics?

  • Who should have oversight within the company?

  • How you create an effective product inclusion culture?

When? Thursday, September 10 at 4 pm PST/ 7 pm EST

Codero DavisGrowing up in a small, segregated Mississippi town, Cordero Davis may have always been poised to seek out a better and more inclusive world. Through his international consulting work, he has impacted over 80,000+ employees and students globally and, in the US, has assisted top Silicon Valley tech companies like Airbnb, Facebook, and Indeed.com rapidly scale their workforces resulting in hundreds of diverse hires.

After his in-house experiences, Cordero created his own black enterprise by launching the consulting firm, Cordero Davis International. There, they focus on assisting black and brown individuals with navigating their careers in corporate America and assisting tech companies with the infrastructure to design inclusive and diverse workplaces.

Andrea GuendelmanAndrea Guendelman is a lawyer, entrepreneur, public speaker, and thought leader. She has a consulting practice advising companies on corporate social responsibility. he also coaches CEOs and other members of the executive leadership team at progressive companies.

She has founded mission-driven tech companies that create more opportunities for underrepresented talent. Most recently she founded Wallbreakers, which offers apprenticeships to CS using an unbiased AI matching technology.

Andrea was raised in Chile and moved to the US to attend Harvard Law School. She practiced law for over a decade in NY and Washington DC, before moving west and starting her entrepreneurial journey.


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